按专业领域分组, 职业社区充满活力, knowledge-sharing spaces for students exploring potential career paths. These six communities offer student-centered cohorts as well as curated resources, 机会和项目. 和你的同伴一起, 你将与职业专家交流, 学术部门, 校友, 雇主, 行业专家.
职业社区是有形的, 虚拟, 和 intellectual gathering spaces grouped by professional interests. 在这六组中, 学生之间相互联系, 他们的职业专家, 以及行业专业人士, 包括校友! They are a place for students to learn 和 share knowledge, resources, 和 opportunities.
To learn about upcoming events 和 opportunities, you can 注册特定社区的电子邮件. 所有 欢迎大家参加 任何 职业社区活动.
学生 can participate in as m任何 career communities as they want, 和 can engage with each community as much or as little as they choose. Your career goals might change during your time at Smith, 和 we encourage you to explore a variety of professional areas.