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Jandon Center for Community Engagement

The Jandon Center engages faculty, 学生和社区合作伙伴参与社会变革项目,解决社区驱动的目标. Through experiential learning and scholarship, 学生培养批判性思维的基本能力,同时在紧急情况下提供重要的领导能力, complex issues facing communities and society. To learn more about ongoing opportunities, sign up to receive our newsletter.



Smith Alliance for Justice & Equity Fellows

  • Josephine Neumann ' 26,女性与性别研究
  • Kerry LaRose ’26
  • 摩根·菲泽' 25,环境科学与政策
  • Mya Wilson ’24, Africana Studies & English
  • Nicole Bamberger Segura ’26, Economics
  • Shariqa Shaila ’24, Neuroscience
  • Vanessa Nicole ’24, Government
  • Veta Duncan ’25, Film and Media Studies
  • Yena Perice ’26J, Study of Women and Gender & Philosophy
  • Ruby Masters ’26, History & Education

Smith Awarded MUREP Grant

澳门葡京博彩软件是七所获得美国宇航局少数民族大学研究和教育项目(MUREP)资助的女子学院或大学之一! 这项为期三年的资助由PI Christophe goole(数学科学教授)领导, 克拉克科学中心的系主任)和Shannon Audley(教育学副教授) & Child Study); it aims to reduce math anxiety and boost math resilience in students. Read more about the program and check out the news coverage.

CBL Program Update

由于预算压力和需要花时间来评估如何最好地利用我们有限的资源,用于我们的多个教员合作, 我们已经暂停了24学年的社区学习资助项目.

有关其他资金来源的信息,请访问学院的 Internal Grants and Funding page. 在这里可以找到当前钱簿的pdf格式. 申请讲座委员会资助的表格,请参阅钱册及 here.

About the Center

我们与社区伙伴合作,批判性地参与理论, 改善社区卫生相互依存方面的数据和经验. 我们发起、鼓励、支持、测试和反思合作战略和项目. We aspire to:

  • 作为中心,公民参与和社区建设的伦理仍然是最前沿的.
  • 进一步建立与校园和社区长期深入接触的Jandon计划.
  • 在课堂上发展道德公民参与的机会, 通过教学和支持与课程相关的社区工作.
  • 创造一个任何人都可以拜访并感到受欢迎的空间.

Named in memory of Jane Grossman Cecil ’50, 詹登中心为澳门葡京博彩软件的学生提供了积极参与社区活动和实践负责任公民的机会. Along with her husband and lifelong partner, Don, Jane was a leading philanthropist, 詹登基金会联合创始人(简+唐=詹登), and a tireless advocate for education. 她是为有意义的改变而设计的项目的拥护者.

The Jandon Center 
Wright Hall 013 

Graeham Dodd 
Education Initiative Director 

Asli Ali 
STEAM Outreach Coordinator 

Madeleine DelVicario 
Experiential Learning Coordinator 

Hannah Gates 
Community Engagement Coordinator 

Denys Candy 
Director of the Jandon Center 

Nancy Zigler 
Director of the Programs and Partnerships 

Laura Boban 
Education Initiative Coordinator 

Brittany Gaetano 
Project Coach Coordinator

Yesenia Valentin 
Project Coach Assistant Director

Autumn Guntor 
Smith Food Rescue Network Coordinator

Charlotte Ljustina
Math Resiliency Project Coordinator

Xiomara Delobato

Clare Higgins

Maeve McCurdy ’21
SC Climate Change Concentrator alum

Vanessa Pabón-Hernandez
Executive Producer, Presencia (WGNY/PBS)

Sarah Stapleton ’21
SC Community Engagement & Social Change alum

Beverly Lipsey ’18
SC Community Engagement & Social Change alum; Fulbright English Teaching Assistant, Malaysia

Elvis Mendez
Organizing Director, Neighbor to Neighbor MA

Farah Samawi ’19
Smith College Community Engagement & Social Change alum ’19; Research Coordinator, CHA Center for Mindfulness and Compassion

Jennifer Walters
Rector, All Saints’ Church, Peterborough, NH

Lourdes Rodríguez
CEO, David Rockefeller Fund

Emma Robertson ’25
Neuroscience major, Community Engagement & Social Change concentrator

Fhryneé Lambert ’24
Africana Studies major

The Jandon Center and the Education Initiative 分享一个共同的使命——让学生参与与促进社会公平和解决复杂问题有关的体验式教育机会, urgent problems. There are opportunities for, and a mutual commitment of time focused on, 就共同选择的任务关键问题进行共享学习和跨学科对话(例子包括社区参与实践), 在多种情况下实现公平并创造机会,同时解决地方环境中各种表现形式的不平等).

In 2019, 为了纪念丹·明迪奇我们将教育奖学金重新命名, 一位高中英语老师和终身教育家,热爱教学和学习. 该计划的许多方面都是通过对他的遗产的慷慨资助而得以实现的. 丹认为,当教师在社区工作时,学生受益最大,在那里他们一起学习,互相支持, 而明迪奇奖学金体现了这套至关重要的价值观. 该计划还包括长期的项目教练计划, 以及最近的斯普林菲尔德参与行动小组项目.

Education Initiative Staff

Graeham Dodd 
Education Initiative Director 

Through our programs and more, 我们为学生提供定期长期和短期社区实习的机会, 以社区为导向的协作模式进行非营利管理培训和专业领导力项目, ethically informed and reflectively adaptive. 请参阅我们与合作机构的项目目录.

Partner Agencies

The Partners Portal website was developed and designed by students, 并作为一个连接澳门葡京博彩软件学生的平台, staff, faculty, 我们的社区伙伴之间的合作以及我们所在地区正在进行的工作. 访问我们的网站,了解更多澳门葡京博彩软件积极的合作伙伴,以及如何参与正在发生的令人兴奋的工作.

Meet With Us

Set up a time to talk with one of us about:

  • the CESC Concentration (Maddie DelVicario)
  • the SAJE Fellowship (Nancy Zigler)
  • 社区服务组织和参与当地活动(汉娜·盖茨)
  • Collective organizing (Ana Del Conde)
  • Activism and career pathways (Denys Candy)
  • the STEAM Team (Asli Ali)
  • the Food Rescue Network (Autumn Guntor)
  • 数学弹性项目(夏洛特·卢贾斯蒂娜)

Schedule a time using our scheduling page.

I’ve always loved community service, 而詹登中心帮助我为他人带来爱,创造一个更美好的世界. That’s what Smith is all about.
Asmae Lichir AC

Jandon Center, by the Numbers




community organization partners





Jandon Center Voices

Contact Jandon Center for Community Engagement

Wright Hall

Smith College

Northampton, MA 01063